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(Winter 2025)
- Big Story: Turning AI into something we can trust
- Listicle: The future of AI runs through ORNL: AI for materials, AI for pharmaceuticals, AI for the power grid, AI for climate and weather forecasting, AI for national security
- Early career researcher: A day in the life of an AI researcher
- Time Warp: ORNL's long journey to computing excellence

Vol. 57, No. 2, (Fall 2024)
- Editorial: Tennessee hosts a resurgent nuclear industry
- To the Point: ORNL scientists unveil secrets of promethium, flooding model created to help urban planners, neutron analysis boosts solid-state cooling materials
- Nuclear is Here: Nuclear is here ... and here and here, nuclear industry gets a boost from Tennessee government, East Tennessee may become a hub for nuclear medicine, paving paths for a new nuclear workforce
- Early Career Scientists: Early career researchers win big
- Focus on Neutrons: Neutrons score electrochemical win for carbon-neutral ammonia, 3D-printed turbine blades a first
- Focus on Manufacturing: 3D-printed turbine blades a first
- Focus on Grid: Medium-voltage research promotes clean, reliable power
- Infographic: Tennessee's nuclear renaissance
- Focus on Computing: Custom software speeds up, stabilizes high-profile ocean model; illuminating the mechanics of solid-state batteries
- Focus on Buildings: Study projects massive savings from geothermal heat pumps; additive boosts building heating, cooling tech
- Focus on Physical Sciences: Research shows novel uses for hafnia, super supercapacitor sets energy-storage record
- Why Science? Young researchers explain
- Time Warp: ORNL’s nonproliferation history
- Research Insights: AI of the Future: Impact of Artificial Intelligence Modeling

Vol. 57, No. 1, (Spring 2024)
- Editorial: UT partnership takes us into the future
- To the Point: Genome editing tool honed for better renewables, improving graphite used in molten salt reactors, neutrons offer insights into battery advances
- University of Tennessee and ORNL: Still collaborating after all these years, an institute to supercharge the UT-ORNL alliance, UT-ORII’s new leader looks forward to groundbreaking research, Governor’s Chairs program attracts scientific luminaries, doctoral students look beyond academia
- Focus on Computing: ORNL’s Titan helps simulate influenza virus, autocoding cancer
- Focus on Neutrons: ‘Neutron camera’ method captures atomic-scale activity in a flash, 50 years after NASA Apollo missions, moon rocks still have secrets to reveal
- Focus on Biology: Producing biofuels for jets
- ORNL in the community: ORNL supports Puerto Rican microgrids
- Focus on Physical Sciences: Simulation code aids high energy physics research, ORNL teams with Army to improve welds
- Why Science? Young researchers explain
- Time Warp: Physicist Frances Pleasonton joined early ORNL studies of the neutron
- Research Insights: Additive Manufacturing the Future Part II: Improving the Process

Vol. 56, No. 2, (Spring 2023)
- Editorial: Making an exascale impact with Frontier
- To the Point: ORNL gets a new lab director and deputy for operations, recyclable composites help drive net-zero goal, new insights advance atomic-scale manufacturing
- Entering the Exascale Age: Exascale impact: The Frontier supercomputer gets to work, ORNL’s methodical leap into the exascale era, exascale tools for developing new reactors, OLCF teams fine-tune Frontier for science, Pioneering Frontier
- Focus on Computing: Quantifying qudits: Measurements provide glimpse of quantum future
- Focus on Physical Sciences: Cell membrane discovery heralds computing advances, anode material paves the way for fast battery charging, adsorbent material filters toxic chromium, arsenic from water supplies
- Focus on Neutrons: Add-on device makes home furnaces cleaner
- Focus on National Security: Location intelligence shines a light on disinformation
- Infographic: Scientific computing at ORNL
- Focus on Biology: Tiny, revved-up microbe tackles big plastics challenge, neutrons reveal how the spider lily preys on cancer cells
- Focus on Nuclear: East Tennessee looks to bolster nuclear workforce
- Focus on Manufacturing: 3D-printed home made from biobased materials
- Focus on Transportation: Researchers explore hydrogen power for railways
- Focus on Grid: Blockchain helps increase electric grid resiliency
- Why Science? Young researchers explain
- Time Warp: Kay Way: The mother of nuclear data
- Research Insights: Additive Manufacturing the Future, Part I: Applications for Additive Manufacturing

Vol. 56, No. 1, (Winter 2023)
- Editorial: The uniqueness of ORNL
- To the Point: Energy secretary attends isotope, facility event, racing company, licenses ORNL battery technology, existing water pipes are an untapped power source
- Focus on Computing: Frontier study could uncover new cures, treatments; accelerating drug discovery with AI; computational tools promote children’s mental health
- Focus on Neutrons: Physicists confront the neutron lifetime puzzle; neutrons show how promising peptide fights antibiotic-resistant bacteria; neutrons shed light on methane-to-methanol conversion
- Focus on National Security: Researchers use seismology, radiation detection to bolster nonproliferation efforts
- Focus on Grid: ORNL sensor research helps fight wildfires; ORNL research to bring more reliable electricity to Puerto Rican microgrids
- Focus on Climate: Predicting climate change in vulnerable neighborhoods
- Focus on Botany: Listening in on soil conversations with rhizosphere-on-a-chip
- Early Career Scientists: The best is yet to come: ORNL’s Early Career Research Program award winners
- Why Science? Young researchers explain
- Time Warp: Libby Johnson: On the frontier for nuclear safety
- Research Insights: Toward a Carbon Neutral Future, Part II: Technologies for a more carbon-friendly future

Vol. 55, No. 2, (Fall 2022)
- Editorial: National security for the 21st century
- To the Point: ORNL Director Zacharia announces retirement, proteins linked to cancer report looks to dams as untapped power sources, study shows that bacteria help peat beat the heat
- National Security: National security science tackles a new generation of threats, high-performance computing boosts uranium research, ORNL tools help ensure energy supply, strengthening cybersecurity in the energy sector, engineers and scientists support nonproliferation efforts
- Focus on Computing: Summit study tackles superconductivity, traffic-based building schedules make smart city even smarter
- Infographic: Securing our nation
- Focus on Neutrons: COVID-19 research moves to antiviral drug design, reducing stress: neutrons help GE improve 3D-printed parts
- Focus on Physical Sciences: Precision machining produces tiny, light-guiding cubes for advancing info tech, polymer gives 3D-printed sand super strength
- Focus on Biology: Microbes turn waste gases into valuable chemicals
- Why Science? Young researchers explain
- Time Warp: Oak Ridge's last 19th-century building
- Research Insights: Toward a Carbon Neutral Future, Part I: Novel research for shrinking the carbon footprint

Vol. 55, No. 2, (Spring 2022)
- Editorial: ORNL user facilities advance science and technology
- To the Point: Frontier is world’s fastest supercomputer, materials tested in space for radiation effects, perovskite study points to better solar batteries, lignin research points to cheaper biofuels
- ORNL User Facilities: User facilities: Essential support for the country’s researchers, getting down to basic: going big to study the very small, OLCF: serving up bleeding-edge compute power and expertise to the world’s scientists, national user facilities use applied science to accelerate industry growth
- Focus on Neutrons: The secret lives of corn plants caught ‘on camera,’ ORNL helps Nobel laureate improve battery cathodes
- Focus on Quantum: Key witness spills secrets of ‘spooky’ quantum entanglement, real-world demonstration leads to quantum networking milestone
- Focus on Biology: New biosensors shine a light on CRISPR gene editing
- Infographic: Predicting the planet's future
- Focus on Tech Transfer: Mothers (and fathers) of invention: Getting ORNL tech into the world
- Focus on Decarbonization: Decarbonization: Q&A with David Sholl
- Focus on Physical Sciences: Quick detection of uranium isotopes helps safeguard nuclear materials, upcycled: from common plastic to tough, recyclable adhesive, Tiny but mighty precipitates toughen a structural alloy
- Why Science? Young researchers explain
- Time Warp: Nurse Doris Scott bridged lab’s early race–health disparity
- Research Insights: Atoms for applications: quantum technologies of the future

Vol. 55, No. 1, (Winter 2022)
- Editorial: Pursuing a circular economy
- To the Point: Advance in modeling improves water analysis, ORNL teams take seven R&D 100 awards, new computer code focuses on power grid, nanostructures promote stretchier alloys
- Toward a circular economy: Keeping materials out of landfills, ensuring our water future, lithium recovery: a critical challenge for battery tech
- Focus on Physical Sciences: Welcome to Neutrino Alley: Q&A with ORNL’s Marcel Demarteau, compelling evidence of neutrino process opens physics possibilities, automated chemistry sets new pace for materials discovery
- Focus on Neutrons: A simple salt: making batteries faster and safer, twist and flex: ‘hinged’ atoms improve solar power specs, after 20 years, physicists find a way to keep track of lost accelerator particles
- Focus on Isotopes: Labwide effort may accelerate cancer treatment approvals
- Focus on Manufacturing: Better Plants Program leads industry partners on sustainability journey
- Focus on Botany: Single gene makes for hardier crops
- Focus on COVID: DOE scientists deploy creativity, speed to disrupt COVID-19
- Infographic: Interrupting COVID-19
- Focus on ITER: First-of-a kind superconducting magnet modules delivered to ITER site
- DOE Early Career Award Winners: A tremendous achievement in a tumultuous year
- Eugene Wigner Distinguished Lecturer: Samuel Ting
- Why Science? Young researchers explain
- Time Warp: COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have Oak Ridge roots
- Research Insights: Research articles from ORNL staff

Vol. 54, No. 2, (Fall 2021)
- Editorial: Accelerating electrification to fight climate change
- To the Point: Software aids placement of EV charging stations, ORNL helps pull data from fusion experiments, new algorithm lowers utility bills, peatland experiment shows methane growth
- Electrification: Better living through electricity, Ensuring the supply of critical materials, Going wireless for better vehicle charging, New center houses ORNL electricity research
- Focus on Computing: Getting ready for an exascale supercomputer, Summit boosts resolution of weather simulation, Supercomputers help explain DNA proofreading
- Focus on Physical Sciences: Physicists improve precision of neutrino studies, New technique improves next-gen solar cells, Quantum light squeezes the noise out of microscopy signals
- Focus on Neutrons: Making mightier 'magnetic motors'
- Focus on Biology: Sulfur-scavenging bacteria affect crops and climate
- Fighting COVID-19: Neutrons map COVID-19 replication mechanism, Neutrons probe cell membrane defense against COVID-19
- Associate Laboratory Directors: ORNL welcomes world-class scientific leaders
- Why Science? Young researchers explain
- Time Warp: A piece of aviation history hidden in the woods

Vol. 1, No. 54, (Winter 2021)
- Editorial: The race to address climate change
- To the Point: Team hits milestone in quantum communication, combining bioenergy and carbon capture, ORNL joins effort to make plastic more recyclable, funding announced for UT–ORNL institute
- Confronting Climate Change: Understanding the complexities of climate change, new composite revs up electric vehicle research, novel 3D-printed device enhances CO2 capture, energy efficiency research supports grid-interactive townhome development, ORNL campus becomes a sustainable role model
- Tech Transfer: Rapid commercialization: Fast-tracking promising technologies
- GEM Fellows: GEM Consortium brings talented students to ORNL
- Focus on Computing: Summit helps take the guesswork out of drug design, supercomputer simulations explore detonation engines, ORNL, partners receive $115 million to establish Quantum Science Center
- Focus on Physical Sciences: Process for ‘two-faced’ nanomaterials may aid energy, information tech, carbon-loving materials target industrial emissions
- Fighting COVID-19: Summit simulations uncover COVID-19 connections, neutrons probe cellular invasion processes of COVID-19 infections, advanced manufacturing, carbon fiber research help fight COVID-19
- Early Career Scientists: Introduction, Peter Jiang: getting more out of a neutron beam, Elijah Martin: An unanswered question launches a career quest, Benjamin Sulman: Shifting from physics to ecology
- Why Science? Young researchers explain
- Time Warp: The barn that wasn't a barn